This was inspired by 3 books I am currently reading (one is a children’s book and then 2 self-help books by my favorite authors) and also by my father’s passing.

I am suffering….the recent loss of my father, the gradual loss of a deep soul connection, the tragedies of the world and the suffering of our people along with them, the natural disasters from earthquakes, and hurricanes and the senseless violence of shootings that have taken precious lives, affected thousands of families and friends and threaten us all. I feel the weight of the world in my heart. Then there is the everyday suffering of financial stress, unfinished divorce, job insecurity, unpaid bills, heartbreak, loneliness, seeing my teen and other children suffer from debilitating stress and anxiety, the sorrow for my family who lost their home in Rockport, Texas to hurricane Harvey…you get the idea. Life is suffering. Do you relate? If not, you are lucky. We all suffer in our own way. Don’t worry, this is not an “oh poor me” post. I’m just making a point.
I feel like what I am doing now is not enough. What I realize is that every day I not only survive but I am getting through it well and I am filled with love and gratitude each day. I wholeheartedly admit that some days are tear-filled and tougher than others but it’s OK. I’m ok. I want to do more. I want to make a difference. I want to serve. I want to help. I do my share…donations, volunteer work, work for a non-profit and I am a life coach. I know I serve how I can now but I want to do MORE, I want to make a bigger difference. I want to matter. Maybe you share the same sentiment?? How do I do that? How do we do that as individuals? Read on…
As I gave my dad’s eulogy, I thought about what kind of person he was, what he always stood for, why he was so loved by so many, how strong he believed in his values and his faith and so much more. I have always thought my dad was an exceptional human being. An angel in disguise. Kind, compassionate, loving, generous and a hero. So, I thought about what it means for all of us to be “exceptional” human beings. With the coming of natural catastrophes, world dissonance, and so many events that are the opposite of peace, we all need to be our extraordinary version of ourselves in order to make a difference and to move mountains in our own unique way. So what DOES it mean to be extraordinary???
“Extraordinary is different for everyone. Being extraordinary requires getting quiet and listening to what it is that you really want that will make your life MEANINGFUL.”
Extraordinary is different for everyone. Being extraordinary requires getting quiet and listening to what it is that you really want that will make your life MEANINGFUL. Are you ignoring what it is you really want because of society’s definitions of what life should be? Society tries to place us in a box based on our learned beliefs, what success means, money, family, spirituality and anything else that is possibly defined by others and not by ourselves. It is our responsibility as human beings and our right, to step out of our societal limitations, step out of that box, and create what it is that makes us happy, that makes us extraordinary. Extraordinary doesn't mean big. In fact, extraordinary starts with small moves in the direction of your right and true path. It requires due diligence of your values and of you living by them. It requires vision beyond the limited realm of your mind but reaching out to that higher source (God for me) and the Universe for grounded guidance, creativity and inspiration. It requires connection to your heart to create love-based vision and mission. Your connection to your heart ensures the foundation you build for your extraordinary life is based on love because without love all rest doesn't matter so much. Extraordinary requires you to get quiet and listen to what is true and has meaning. It requires you to be brave enough to make the hard choices instead of the easy ones. Brave enough to follow the road less traveled when you have the choice. It's different when you don't have a choice and you are forced one way. That has other positive trait building aspects. It's a different kind of bravery when you make the CHOICE to follow your heart, follow your truth and take the scary step into the unknown that on the other side, will create the extraordinary version of you and your life. It requires perseverance in your extraordinary life.
Being your extraordinary self is how you make a deeper, bigger impact on everyone you touch and it is how you make a difference. BE EXTRAORDINARY!
We will create what is meaningful by stepping up, leaping out and raising the bar of what we expect of ourselves and what we are capable of. Extraordinary doesn't mean that you're out changing the world in a big way every day but you are anyway if you are being true to yourself in what you do. Whatever your definition of success, being your extraordinary self will get you there. Even though you may not think that you are more than an average Joe or Joan and you may think "who am I to think that I can be extraordinary?"...YOU are extraordinary and you have the power to create an extraordinary life for yourself so you can show up as the best version of yourself for yourself, for your family, for your community and for our world. We need you. Being your extraordinary self is how you make a deeper, bigger impact on everyone you touch and it is how you make a difference. BE EXTRAORDINARY!❤️❤️
With love and lots and lots of hugs,
Dianne Maldonado Hill